
My First PMD Kiss

This post has been sponsored by the PRIMP Network. All opinions are my own.

Y'all, time to take a trip down memory lane! Dig deep into the archives of your life and let's talk about your first kiss! When was yours? Do you still talk to them?

Mine was exactly one bajillion years ago, at a 7th grade dance. I had on my best acid washed jean skirt and teased bangs. "Lost in Your Eyes" was playing. The boy looked at me, gave me the huge braces-filled smile, and then we kissed. I don't remember if it was a good kiss or not! We started "going together" right after. Sidenote: did anyone else call having a boyfriend "going together" as a kid? Anyway, he dumped me a week later at my 13th birthday party when I caught him kissing a friend of mine. Ha! It was very devastating at the time (wasn't everything then?) but I still am friendly with him all of these years later.

Speaking of kissing, as I'm getting older, I've noticed my lips are getting thinner and the color has started to fade. Lip lines are starting to form. I'm not happy about it. And me being me, I had to do some research to see what kind of options there are out there to try to combat that. I don't really want to do anything super invasive right now.

And at the top of the list is PMD Kiss. Look at this cute little contraption! I'm a long-time fan of PMD (you can search the blog for a review on another product of theirs I've been using for years), so I was excited to be able to share this with y'all.

Have you heard of or tried this? PMD® Kiss is a smart anti-aging lip plumping treatment. It uses pulsating vacuum technology and specially formulated serum to create a fuller appearance of lip volume and restore youthfulness to lips. With daily use, PMD Kiss will boost collagen and create long lasting plumped up results.

Pretty interesting right? But this isn't a review just yet--I'm sharing my first time using it and how to use it. I'll use the PMD Kiss for 30 days and report back on how it went. Sound good?

Okay, here are my lips before. Don't worry--when I come back in a month I'll repost this. 

Now how to use it?

1.Apply PMD Kiss Smart Lip Plumping Serum onto clean, dry, lips. Use only on the lips. I have on no makeup in this pic and I don't know why! Ack. Moving on to step 2.

2.Power on PMD Kiss. Place Plumping Tip firmly & directly onto your lip creating a tight seal for suction.

3.Use PMD Kiss in the 6 sections of your lips as shown – you will hear and feel the PMD Kiss working. Having a quizzical look on your face like I did, optional!

4.Allow PMD Kiss to pulse 15-20 times on each section of your lips. You will be able to hear the pulses while the PMD Kiss works. 

So first impressions? It doesn't hurt at all. You can feel it, but it is not even painful in the slightest.  It doesn't take long to use. There are two sizes of small and big. I like the small applicator since I have thin lips. I could tell a slight difference but I'm more interested in seeing the results in a month.

If you're interested in checking out PMD Kiss for yourself, click here and get 20% off using code PRIMP20 (excluding subscriptions and sale items).

Two more bloggers to check out:
Nicole and Nicholle

Would you try PMD Kiss?


  1. Ok this sounds totally interesting and I love my PMD already so this is a must! Can’t wait to see your results :)

  2. That sounds super interesting! And you look gorgeous without makeup!!

    Kendal // Life With Kendal

  3. What cool device and treatment! Good to see you back Elle!


  4. That sounds really interesting! Why in the world do we have to get old though? It sucks so much!

  5. I've never heard of this before - crazzzzyyyy - but cool!

  6. Oh this sounds great. I'm so fearful about my lips being smaller one day. Totally need to check this out. Thanks.

  7. I've never heard of this before! I hope it gives good results and I'm excited to see how it works out for you!

  8. I'm really interested in this! Can't wait to see your results. My top lip needs help! lol

  9. I didn't have my first kiss until I was 17, the summer before college. Haha throwing it way back!! I am really interested to hear your thoughts on this after using it for awhile! The lines on my lips are starting to get it hard to use all the pretty matte lip colors that are out right now. I still do it...but some days regret that I put it on, you know?

  10. Definitely would like to know your results in a month! That looks pretty interesting! My lips are very big as it is (I am a Latina, lol.) However I would like a more poutier look - I feel my top lip isn't exposed enough - ha if that makes sense!

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Felicia xx

  11. Sounds like a cool product (tho my lips definitely do not need plumping lol)

  12. I liked the story :) I liked the product and if it doesn't hurt, even better! I am waiting for the results, you said in a month you will post them :) Very glad now that you wrote twice this week, be very sure of that!

  13. ooh how cool! I never knew they made these types of products. This looks so interesting and I can't wait to see the results.

  14. Interesting! I can't wait to see if this works for you! I am really curious to see if it helps bring color back to lips because my lips are not very pigmented at all!

  15. Sounds interesting. Looking forward to see the results. Thank for sharing.

  16. That's really cool! Can't wait to see what you think after the 30 days!


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