
Friday Questions!

And we're back for another weekly edition of FRIDAY QUESTIONS! Now put on your thinking cap, and let's get started. As always, I play along too, and my answers are AFTER THE JUMP.
  1. What's the weirdest thing you've done while driving?
  2. What's something you do alone but you'd be too embarassed to do in front of others?
  3. What defunct store do you miss?
  4. What book have you tried to finish but never could?
1. Change shirts. I was on a lonely highway and changed shirts. I've done my makeup as well. Again, no one else was on the road. Bad, right?
2. Dance! I don't mean like at a club, I mean that silly dancing you do when you're alone and hear a good song.
3. I miss old-school dept. stores, like McCrory's , Woolworth's etc. from when I was very young.
4. Love in the Time of Cholera. I just can't finish it!

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