
Rants, Raves, & Randoms

Weekly I share the highs and lows of my week. Enjoy.


  • My external drive officially couldn't be salvaged. All of my pictures and videos for the blog (past, present, future) and gone. It was not fun figuring out what I was going to take pics of again and what videos I was going to refilm. Some products I had already used up and discarded. Grr. Pour one out for my homey. ;)


  • I had an 8 year old ask me if I was from England because of my AMAZING English accent. I have this habit of randomly busting out into it. I mean if it fooled an 8 year old...Hollywood, here I come.
  • I went to Atlantic Station and got to play around with the Road to Sochi events, including meeting gold medalist Sarah Hughes. So fun and a nice break from all the stress lately.


  • I have this rule that I can't get a new candle unless 3 have been burned up, so my apartment has been smelling amazing, plus I have some yellow tulips to brighten things up.
  • I watched the Shaun White feature, The Road to Russia (something like that), and really liked it. I don't really follow sports and only know of him through pop culture, but was in awe of the dedication and struggle.
  • I've got some awesome opportunities coming up, and I just wanted to thank you for your continued support.

NYC Talon--Check out her awesome beauty blog! She's just as great as her blog is.

Share your rants, raves, and randoms below or on your blog (let me know so I can visit!)

PS: $75 Victoria's Secret giveaway!


  1. Really sorry about the hard drive - had to go through this once and wouldn't wish to anyone… :(
    The rest sounds pretty good, though, especially the candles part - I love them too! x

  2. I adore this kind of ost of you, it's a so cute way of know what happened in your life <3
    So happy about the 8 y-o guy, I'm sure you'll be more than happy!



  3. bah! our optical drive crapped out on me this weekend too...and i only realized that was the problem after i had wasted 7 discs!!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  4. :( id be so sad if i lost all my photos! sorry elle! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. heehee--that must be a pretty sweet English accent you can conjure up!

  6. Bummer you lost so much. Totally feel you, I'm still going through the files that were able to be "saved" from my crash a few months back and it's all junk. Basically all my good stuff is gone gone gone. Ah well.

    So I didn't watch the Shaun White feature, but I might. Because he's a cutie. There, I said it.

  7. Aww - thanks so much Elle! You're amazing! :) P.S. I bust out my English accent allll the time! Plus, since my younger sister watches Sherlock, Dr.Who, and all sorts of BBC with me she'll do the accent as well - so we'll be talking like proper English girls while walking around in the city ;)

  8. omg I am so sorry about the hard drive. I know that was tough pill to swallow. Ugh!

    I love the candle idea. I am so bad about letting it halfway burn and then going out and buying more. So I have all these leftover half burned candles taking over my laundry room cabinets. Although my mom got me a tiny Tyler candle (mulled cider) and I finished that up last week and have been really wanting to go back and get the larger version cause it smells AMAZING. What's you favorite candle scent?

  9. Ugh, technology is awesome when it works, and devastating when it doesn't. That is so heartbreaking!
    Candles have become my weakness - I remember I used to roll my eyes at the number of candles my mom bought and/or received from patients as gifts. Now I wish for that!

  10. Oh my goodness, so sorry to hear about your hard drive :(

  11. Oh man, I'd be so bummed if I lost my hard drive! I suppose I should think about backing up my photos in case (God forbid) it ever happens.

    It sounds like you had some really fun Olympic-themed action this week! I don't really follow sports but it's still cool to see the dedication and hard work of the athletes.

  12. That suck about your hard drive. I know how it feels to loss photos. It has happen to me more then once. Also can't wait to see what you come up this.

    My rave would have to be I got my train ticket to Paris.

  13. I can understand the candle thing. I burn 2 at a time! Makes for some interesting scents. So sorry about your hard drive.

  14. Hi Elle! So glad to have stumbled onto your site. I love it! Have enjoyed exploring the Southern Society blogs : ) Your tutorial videos are great! I like the beachy waves post. I curl my hair using a different method -- I'll have to give your way a try! Following you now on bloglovin and would love for you to check out my site as well.

    Thanks, and will look forward to new posts!

    x, Mary


  15. Eeek, so sorry you lost your hard drive- that really sucks! My hard drive failed once and I happened to be abroad, so I couldn't get it fixed for weeks. It was no bueno.

  16. That's awful about your external drive… I swear I would have been crying!


  17. Can't stop laughing about your english accent way to go! I'm sorry about your drive though. I would die if I lost all my pictures and videos, especially as a blogger!

  18. I like your candle rule. I need to do that too!

  19. What a bummer on the external drive. You know you have to use the British accent in your next video now that you mentioned it an all! ;)

  20. Bahahah... "pour one out for my homey." Classic. ;)

  21. So sorry about your hard drive. That sticks so much!


  22. That's horrible about your external drive hun but I am loving the English accent thingy! LOL!

  23. sorry to hear about your drive. i recently lost evvvrything on my hard drive, so i know the feeling.

    $600 in Amazon gift cards Giveaway!

  24. Oh, no! Hate hearing that you lost everything. :(

    Maybe I need to light some candles around here. I'll do anything to forget about the awful winter outside.


  25. that is my worst nightmare about the hard drive!!

  26. Boo to your external hard drive, but YAY for the British accent story! I have a friend who pulls off a brilliant Bosnian/Russian accent, and she talked in it often enough at college that some girls seriously thought she was from there. Ironically, she is from Ohio. :)

  27. Oh no! your rant is totally justified :( I would LOVE to hear your english accent (cos I'm english!) you'll have to do it on one of your videos!


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)


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