
Check Out #Crisising

Have you heard about POPSUGAR's new Beauty show #Crisising

#Crisising is a show about getting you out of those not-so-pretty situations. I think we've all had to deal with those, am I right? 

So what does the show cover? #Crisising covers everything from how to deal with the worst tan lines of your life ahead of a weekend wedding, to how to deal with getting caught in the rain minutes before a big date.

But #Crisising shares these real-life situations in a hilarious way, PLUS how to get out of them!  It's a sexy take on how-to material :)

The first episode deals with Morning After Makeup. And today I'm sharing the pilot episode you to to check out below:

    You can find the show here on Youtube. The show is under 5 minutes and shares a few beauty hacks--you know I love those! There's currently a $500 Benefit giveaway, so be sure to check it out!

    This post was sponsored by POPSUGAR. 
    While I was compensated to write a post about POPSUGAR Beauty's #Crisising, all opinions are my own.


    1. Hilarious! Thanks for sharing!
      xo, Whitney and Blaire
      Peaches In A Pod

    2. Hilarious, but great tips! I'm so glad I don't ever have to worry about that particular crisis!

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Yikes, morning after makeup brings back horrible memories from a lifetime ago it seems like haha. I didn't realize you live in Atlanta! Are you going to Music Midtown? We're so excited for it.

    5. Haha I've never heard of this! But it sounds hilarious!

    6. I have never heard of this but that is hilarious! Will be checking them out!

      Reflection of Sanity | Giveaway

    7. I'm definitely going to have to keep this one on my radar! How fun!

    8. That really was funny! I was subscribed to Popsugar, but they do an awful lot of vids, hard to keep up. I'll be watching out for the next #crisising vid, I liked it :D


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