
Random Things From Amazon You Need (Plus a GIVEAWAY)

Ok, so every time I see one of those Buzzfeed articles on random Amazon items, I IMMEDIATELY click like a crazy person. Please tell me I'm not the only one!! So I figured it was time to make a little list of my own. Drum roll please...for random items I loved off Amazon that you need!

Makeup Meltaway Cleansing Balm! A nourishing cleansing balm that erases makeup and gently lifts away impurities caused by pollution, it leaves the skin hydrated and silky smooth.

https://www.farmacybeauty.com/ Get 20% Off using code Green6
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PowerLix Milk Frother
Coffee lovers, you'll love these first two items. First up, you need this frother bc you want to play barista at home and have that nice and frothy creamer. Ok, maybe that's just me, but I've tried and owned a few frothers over the years, and this is my fave.

GO CUBES Energy Chews
First off, don't order these unless you can stand the taste of strong coffee. If you said yes you can stand, it, then keep reading. Made for performance: 50mg caffeine, 100mg L-theanine, plus other nootropic supplements for focused energy on the go. Chewable coffee. I keep these in my bag for when I am utterly tired.

AZDENT Teeth Brush Ups
Need something after that coffee breath or after lunch? Or whenever? This is another item I keep everywhere. You slip these wipes on your finger and brush around for clean breath. Nope, I don't chew gum and these leave mouth cleaner than mints.

Muslin Cloths
I don't use wash cloths to clean my face. I use muslin cloths--especially since I use cleansing balms for cleaning my face and removing makeup. Sometimes I'll add herbs to these, close them up, and throw them in my bath. These come in a pack of 10, so I tend to use one a day and then wash them at the end of the week.

Finishing Touch Flawless Women's Painless Hair Remover
Are you still reading? Good, because this is the item you NEED out of all of these, if you have dark facial hair, like I do. Yeah, it's life. If you're looking for a fast and PAINLESS way to remove facial hair, you need these. It does not hurt at all.

Kiwi Fresh Force Shoe Freshener
I have the occasional stinky shoe, and while I use dry shampoo as an instant hack, this is a million times better. It really works to remove the odor. Just spray.

LectroFan Micro Wireless Sleep Sound Machine and Bluetooth Speaker

I'm an awful sleeper. I awaken at the slightest sound, so since college I started sleeping with a box fan to drown out the noise. No other sounds work for me as well as the box fan. I've tried apps and everything. I used to travel with my own box fan. You think I'm kidding but I'm serious! And then somehow I found the LectroFan--it's a small box that gives you 10 fan sounds. This sounds so weird and nerdy typing this out, but it works. I swear by it. I recently found this much smaller travel version that also doubles as a bluetooth speaker. 

VicTsing Shower Speaker
I love to have music on all.the.time...even when I shower! I tried one waterproof shower speaker a few months ago and it never worked right. But this one has won me over. It's waterproof, I can skip between tracks, volume, and THE SOUND IS AMAZING. One of the best portable speakers I've ever tried. And it's water proof!! There's a new version of this, but this version has different colors.

Freshly Baked Donut USB Mug Warmer
I can predict it now--majority of the comments will be about this item, I just know it. And I see why--because this is a completely frivolous item that I love. It is exactly what it says--keeps your mug (or your hands) warm while you surf the web. Confession--I didn't get this off Amazon--cannot remember where--so look around bc the price listed is too pricey.

And now for the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I need that mug warmer! Thanks for sharing all these product and awesome giveaway!


  2. I love seeing posts like this because there are so many fun things you can find on amazon!

  3. hey girl how do you find these blogger opportunities. i'd love to join in one sometime!

  4. Amazon really has everything! When I saw that you use muslin cloths, I instantly thought about the ones I have for my kids, haha.

  5. I have one of those frothers and it really comes in handy for making my matcha lattes.

  6. Ummm what a great round up. I need that shoe refresher lol and the usb warmer- pure genius!!

  7. I wish Amazon Canada has the same products as Amazon.com but it really pales in comparison.

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

  8. You had me at Chewable Coffee!!! Seriously - that's awesome. Checking that out!

  9. The painless hair remover sounds pretty good. Great giveaway!

  10. I need those muslin cloths, I use a balm to clean my face now and those are perfect!

  11. I need to try out those teeth brush-ups and how cute is the USB charging donut/coffee holder! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  12. I love clicking on those articles too and wind up with so many random items on my amazon wishlist as a result. That hair remover has been on there and I am really hoping someone gets it for me soon after hearing your thoughts on it!

  13. I am not very much into gadgets, but I am addicted to teeth health and the teeth brush ups are sooo for me! I don't chew gum either, so I would love to get these brush ups! So many thanks for this find! So good to have your posts back!

  14. Ooh fun! My whole family almost always has a fan on; we can't sleep without the noise so that fan noise gadget sounds amazing!

    I also like the sound of the shoe spray.

    Thanks for sharing all these cool items!


  15. Ahhhh so many things I think I need!! The frother, shoe spray, those muslin clothes. I love Amazon posts. It gets overwhelming just browsing them, I need purpose with my searches haha.

  16. I need those teeth brush ups, I'm up to two cups of coffee a day. Great post!

  17. Wow, I haven't even heard of some of these items. I really need a mug warmer this time of year and I like that you can warm your hands with it too!


  18. I need those teeth brush ups! I hate chewing gum and I sometimes feel like mints have a weird after taste...so these sound perfect!! And oh my that coffee mug warmed!! That is seriously genius!

  19. oh i am definitely intrigued by the hair remover!

  20. I love these posts . . . except now I have a bunch of stuff in my Amazon cart! Ha! You've got some great suggestions here!

  21. I'm gonna have to look into getting some muslin cloths!! ...and you're right. I really do want that donus USB mug warmer, haha. The shower speaker would be cool too!

  22. Will be checking out that shoe refresher!

    7% Solution


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